Blog | One GTM

A checklist for success

Written by Phil Brown | May 21, 2014 7:24:00 AM

Thought leadership has become an increasingly important part of the marketing mix for companies operating in B2B markets. We developed our From Thought Leadership To Revenue framework to help clients plan and execute thought leadership led programmes that deliver pipeline and sales.

It was suggested by one client that what would also be helpful was some sort of checklist; to help organisations ensure they were considering the right questions at each stage of the process. Always keen to listen and respond to our clients we went away and developed such a checklist (not pausing for even a nano-second to consider whether this was a way of reducing the amount of support they needed to pay us for!). The checklist can be downloaded here.

While not an exhaustive list we hope this provides a useful set of prompts for anybody attempting to implement a thought leadership-led programme. You can download the full From Thought Leadership To Revenue guide here.

To discuss how OneGTM could help you build a successful thought leadership led marketing programme please call us on 0203 693 1211